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American Chinese School (ACS)

育才周六粵語及國語中文班 (2024-2025 Saturday Chinese Classes) :

上課日期 (Class dates): Sep. 7th – May. 31st
上課時間 (Class time):
Every Saturday 8:30AM-10:25PM and 10:30AM-12:25PM (excluding holidays)
上課地點 (Class location):
42000 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Fremont, CA 94539

1. 周六中文班報名可直接短訊郝校長510-552-5520.

To register for 2024-2025 Saturday Chinese Class, please text Principal Kok 510-552-5520.


  • 全年學費$760, 5月31日前報名每名學生早鳥優惠減$20
  • 兩小時課,兩段時間: 8:30-10:25am; 10:30am-12:25pm
  • 上課地點在 42000 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Fremont, CA 94539
  • 詳情可短訊郝校長 510-552-5520 或 Minna Chung 510-364-3078

Ongoing registrations are accepted. Onsite registration is accepted at the above address on Saturdays (in May 2024 and on/after September 7, 2024, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.).

2. 蔣老師的國語班:
現準備開設暑期國語及拼音班。粤語小五以上同學很適合參加學習。蔣楠老師原是北京小學老師, 任教多年, 經驗豐富。報名或查詢: 短訊郝校長 510-552-5520 或 蔣老師 510-996-2123。 國語拼音班10堂課$350。

3. 初中及高中學分班則繼續網課 (1.5小時課 ) 由Ms. Vera老師任教。
全年學費分別為$820 和 $920, 早鳥優惠減$20。

4. 現增設粤語雙語班, 九月開課, 因考慮到部份家庭不說粤語, 小朋友可從中英文雙語幫助中, 輕鬆學習粤語中文。鼓勵幼稚園用中文上課, 到小一後再視乎進度而轉換雙語班。老師中英對照教授, 鼓勵轉班前可跟老師或校長商量轉班程序。
This September, we are offering bilingual Cantonese for students who don’t speak Cantonese at home. The teacher will use both Cantonese and English in class instructions. We recommend exposure to Chinese as early as kindergarten to help students become familiar with Chinese.
The class will teach the basic structure and foundation of Chinese such as things and names. Upon reaching 1st-grade Chinese proficiency, parents are encouraged to discuss with the teacher and principal to determine if the student is ready for the more advanced Chinese classes.
Class time 10:30AM-12:25PM.

報名和付款方式 (Registration & Payment)

  • 可印出報名表,連同支票,寄到:
    American Chinese School
    5259 Amberwood Dr., Fremont, CA 94555
  • 郵寄支票, 付款 payable to: American Chinese School
    • 郵寄 : Wai Ming Kok, ACS Registration,5259 Amberwood Dr, Fremont, CA 94555。
    • 請在支票上寫上學生的姓名和您的聯繫電話號碼. Please write the student’s name and phone number on the check.
      Temple Beth Torah Synagogue 進行。我們無法在
      Temple Beth 接收郵件。Please note the above is the mailing address for American Chinese School. Physical classes, take place at 42000 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Fremont, CA 94539.
  • 或PayPal電子郵件:waimingnotary@gmail.com(註冊為Wells Fargo Bank American Chinese School)

Graduation Ceremony Highlights

謝謝大家全年的努力. 發輝生命影響生命的強大力量

👉 關於星期六中文學校課程 或致電 (510) 552-5520
👉About Saturday Chinese School Program or Call (510) 552-5520

American Chinese School is a non-profit educational institution
and the school administers its program in a non-discriminatory manner.