Saturday Chinese School Program 星期六中文課程

American Chinese School offers Saturday classes during the regular school year. Classes typically start in early September and ends in early June. Each class is two hours in duration, from 8:30 am to 10:30 a.m. or from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. We teach Chinese phonics, phrase, poems, sentence writing, recital, performances and more. Class activities composted of both lecture and interactive exercises. By incorporating arts and crafts, songs, poem recitals, and story-telling, we make learning Chinese and cultural values fun.
We have two types of Chinese classes, and both are available starting at Pre-School level, Age 3+ to 12th Grade. Upon completion of 9 – 12 grades, both routes allow for Fremont Unified School District language credits.
Please visit the above pages to learn more about each class. Regardless of which route you choose, we advise children to start early. The early ages (3 to 6) is the golden year for language learning. At this stage children can master a dialect very quickly, and with some help, they can learn to read and write easily.
育才中文學校在一般學年間提供星期六中文課程。課程通常在9月初開始,在6月初結束。每節課的時間為兩個小時,從上午8:30到上午10:30或從上午10:30到下午12:30。 我們教育中文拼音,詞組,詩歌,句子寫作,朗誦,表演等。課堂活動包括演講和互動練習。通過手工藝,歌曲,詩歌朗誦和講故事,我們使學習中文和中國文化變得互動有趣。
我們提供兩種類型的中文班,從學前班開始,即3歲以上至12年級。兩類型的中文班在9至12年級均可獲得弗里蒙聯合校區 (Fremont Unified School District)的語言學分。
請閱讀以上的課程說明,以了解有關兩個課程的更多資料。無論您選擇哪種路線,我們都建議兒童早點開始學習中文 。幼兒(3至6歲)是語言學習的黃金歲月。在此階段,孩子們可以非常快速地掌握中文方言,並且在一些幫助下,他們可以輕鬆地學習讀寫中文字。