Cantonese Class, Traditional Characters (粵語/廣東話班,繁體字)

Enrollment begins at age 3+, K-12th grade available, 2-hour class using Cantonese and Traditional Chinese Characters
This class is designed for those who want to learn traditional Chinese characters and values. Materials and teachers originated from Hong Kong. Children songs, flash cards, and games will be used to assist learning.
The Cantonese dialect has nine tones and is highly correlated to ancient Chinese used in the Tang and Song dynasty. Most of the famous ancient Chinese poems and literature were written to rhythm in Cantonese. These poems would not rhyme as appropriately in Mandarin. The learning of Cantonese can be a bit more difficult than Mandarin, but it allows an in-depth understanding and appreciation of the Chinese language.
Traditional characters are officially used in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, and many Southeast Asian countries with a heavy Chinese population. About 1/3 of the Japanese written language is composed of traditional Chinese characters. These characters represent the original Chinese language and each character can be traced to its origin. The beauty of traditional characters can be seen expressed in Chinese calligraphy. Because of the strokes and radicals involved, learning of traditional characters improve children’s memory, spatial concept, artistic ability, and furthermore – a true understanding of the evolution of the Chinese language. Once you know traditional characters, it is fairly easy to learn and adapt to simplified characters.
In pre-school and kindergarten levels, classes focus on character recognition and categorization (e.g. season, relationships, health, social concepts, etc.), as well as values such as Chinese festivities and cultural concepts of filial piety and respect. Students will practice stroke orders, recognize radicals and pictographs, and be familiarized with songs, poems, and games using Cantonese and Traditional Chinese Characters. The elementary school curriculum uses Hong Kong educational materials that include Chinese geography, history, science, social concepts, seasons, and relations, etc. At the upper grade levels, students can receive credit (through FUSD) and are prepared for the SAT II Chinese subject test.
三歲入學,幼稚園至中學 K-12, 每節上課二小時,以粵語繁體教學
本課程是為那些想學習傳統漢字和傳統價值觀的學生和家長設計的。教材和老師來自香港。 教室裡會用兒歌,閃卡和遊戲輔助學生學習。
繁體字正式使用於香港,台灣,澳門和許多中國人口眾多的東南亞國家中。日語文字中約有1/3是由繁體漢字組成的。這些字體代表傳統的中文語言,每個字符都可以追溯到其起源。 繁體字之美可見於傳統中國書法上 。由於所涉及的筆觸和部首,學習傳統繁體字可以提高孩子的記憶力,空間概念,藝術能力,而且可以真正理解中文語言的文化。學習了繁體字後, 大多數學生都很容易學習及適應簡體字。
學生能理解部首,運用句子,運用成語,背誦古詩, 迅速提高學生的中文素質。每年有兩次筆試及表演。本課程還可以幫助學生為SAT II中文主題考試做準備。Fremont 學區可計算高中部學分 。
現增設粤語雙語班, 九月開課, 因考慮到部份家庭不說粤語, 小朋友可從中英文雙語幫助中, 輕鬆學習粤語中文。鼓勵幼稚園用中文上課, 到小一後再視乎進度而轉換雙語班。老師中英對照教授, 鼓勵轉班前可跟老師或校長商量轉班程序。
This September, we are offering bilingual Cantonese for students who don’t speak Cantonese at home. The teacher will use both Cantonese and English in class instructions. We recommend exposure to Chinese as early as kindergarten to help students become familiar with Chinese.
The class will teach the basic structure and foundation of Chinese such as things and names. Upon reaching 1st-grade Chinese proficiency, parents are encouraged to discuss with the teacher and principal to determine if the student is ready for the more advanced Chinese classes.
Class time 10:30-12:30