Computer Math

提早幫助同學們掌握電腦語言及思維邏輯的應用, 讓他們贏在起跑線上!! 無論同學們將來是否專研於電腦方面, 對邏輯思維及電腦使用的原理都有先進的引導。 課程將於9/16/22開課,時間是下午12:30-1:30:一小時,每堂學費$50 保證有效。 全年分2期收費, 包括材料費, 自帶電腦。 分小學及初中組別。 肖龍老師會講解課程內容、進度及要求, 以開心學電腦為原則。家長可以詢問有關所有問題,肖龍老師會逐一解答各位家長的疑問 。
适合年级: elementary and Junior high students
班 制:小班教学
上课时间:周六下午 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m
任课老师介绍 :
肖龍- Drake Xiao。 他畢業於Berkeley 加大電腦工程及應用数學系雙學位。 後又再畢業於哈佛大學教育學碩士。幾年教学经验。還自己研發了一套給小學、中學生認識電腦的思維應用及推算的課程。
No matter what the students are emphasized in, whether it be computer or coding later on, they will have advanced guidance on the principles of logical thinking and computer use for future uses. The course will start on 9/16/22, the time is 12:30-1:30pm for 1 hour, and the tuition fee of $50/class. This class is very beneficial to elementary, middle and high school students. You may bring your own computer.
If you are interested, please contact the principal at 510-552-5520
Course Offerings:
Small-sized classes for elementary and Junior high students
Availability: Saturdays 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Our super teacher Xiao Lone- Drake Xiao. He is a graduate of University of California Berkeley with a double major in Computer Engineering and Applied Mathematics. He later graduated with a master’s degree in education from Harvard University. He has years of teaching experience. He also developed a set of courses for elementary and middle school students to understand the application of computer logical thinking and calculation. He has helped students to master the hang on technique of computer language and thinking logic in advance, so that they can win at the starting line!!